where have I been and whats up???

I am Alive and pretty well but i have confessions to make. as maybe some of you figured out i have fallen off the face of the earth and there are many reasons for this but the biggest reason is because I have been a bit deceptive. I am a bit of a fraud. I have lied to a lot of you and it was really shitty of me. i take full responsibility. I put a lot of you in danger when I interacted with you before my 18th birthday. I know that what i have done is crazy and I’m sure a lot of you will hate me but then again you might not even read this for a lot of you have fallen of the face of the earth too. so to those of you that i hurt I’m sorry and i will leave a quickly as i came. 

Only Time Will Tell…

I don’t particularly like my situation but what can you do? Guard is awful i hate every second of it. work is really hard and i’m not sure I want to stick with it, all the death is getting to be a little much. I know I know, i picked it but its gotten harder the past few months. with Kathleen gone work isn’t the same. Yep Kat moved on to bigger and better things and i’m not one for long distance stuff so that’s how that  goes. This isnt going to be too sad of a post cause I slowly fizzled out but here it is.

i am done with this blog thing i have lost all my extra time. I no longer have time to keep you updated with the ooze of my life and it sucks. Maybe a random post now and then but until summer this will be pretty much dead. Now this is a prediction based off of the past few months schedule and is subject to change. This might just seem like some useless boring post but i thought you deserved to know Im not abandoning you just never around.

yes I’m aware that was really bad but i had to have it out there.

– me


So today I’m on my way to Tampa, Florida. I don’t know if any of y’all know this but I hate planes more than Satan himself. First off I live in Texas and we are like 5 feet above sea level so if I even go on a hill my ears pop. Now let’s all think of how high an airplane flys, omg I am in the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. Yep I’m writing this on the plane fighting auto correct. So I’m sitting in front of some snotty kid who I’m pretty sure crapped his pants in take off. It smells slightly of tuna fish which is kind of strange. Oh I don’t like tuna fish either I think it smells awful and taste just as bad if not worse. I would say o can’t wait to land but honestly I can. Landing is the worst thing abt the whole experience I would rather have the kid behind me kick the holy hell out of my chair If I didn’t have to do the decent of the aircraft. My ears explode in pain on the way down to the point where it makes a grown woman want to cry her eyes out. Kathleen isn’t here to hold me so I can’t do that. I’m on my way to Florida to spend Thanksgiving with my aunt and uncle, I haven’t seen them in forever and now is a good time.
Now on to human ooze we read my blog for. So the most recent case of slime is a man shot dead and rapped. Which came first is the troubling thing. All signs point to the young man being killed first. This man has 3 gun shot wounds to his body and is kinda dismembered from the blasts of the 22 used on him. So this is a sick bastard. I’m all for sexual freedom as a lesbian I have the mentality of “whatever floats ur boat floats mine” except when it come to screwing the dead. First of all the human body is a gas bomb ticking to explode the moment the heart stops beating. So this is a health hazard for both you and all the people you come In contact with after this act. Then without sharing all the *lovely* things you can develop from a dead persons body coming In contact with a living being. The moral aspect of that is they are dead not asleep not coming back someone’s kid is dead and rapping their body is in my opinion is the greatest disrespect you can give a human.
Sry I suck at keeping up with this blog I’ve lost touch with some really awesome people because my time is so crunched now. I hope all of u ( however many of you there are left will forgive my absence and take me back)
Wow that sounded like I’m desperate to have a lover back!
So please excuse all the typos I’m sure there are plenty.

sneaks into the blog…

yes i’m alive and somewhat well i have been all over the us lately and i haven’t been able to do anything person at all. so i just wanted to say hi and yes i live i promise when i get a moment i will update you all on my gross and gruesome adventures in my daily life.

Yeah I talk to dead people…

So Im going to take this new found time seriously and write. I have recently finished up all the basics for school like I have my 4 year stuff done. Now I get to focus really hard on forensics yay no more boring books to read and give 19 page reports on no more math problems that will never apply to my life. Yep I’d say life is going pretty good. I have that guy I told y’all about that working on. I was being asked by one of the summer interns what had happened to him. Now most of you know I’m very sarcastic and I live for the looks on people’s faces I get. I enjoy the sound of the huh that goes off in their brains when I give them answers that are 4 billion points above their iq. So anyway back to the dumb blonde boy who asked me what happened. So it’s early Friday morning and she wants to know happened to the guy on the table. Granted I have no clue what happened to the poor pieces of what’s left of a man on my table. So Instead of telling her that, I tell her that he was a fellow intern that we took to the butchery with us who was mistaken for a cow and they cut him up into pieces and fed him to their dogs because he was too small to sell. She looked at me with the most disgusted look I have ever seen and asked if u was serious. I don’t think I have ever laughed that hard at work in my life. Of court she didn’t find this funny and went straight to Kathleen. Little to say I got a stern talking to at lunch. Of course being me I know how to make her forget what shes talking about and end up with a reward after work. Yep I’m slick and proud if it but I won’t tell u how I do this trick. So the rest of the day was me being all Antsy about what was to come. So that’s just a little update enjoy.

Sink or Swim Bitches

So a lot of things have happened since the last time I updated y’all. So this is kind of a happy update to kinda let y’all back in. So I got a puppy. And normally I would be grossed out by he fact that it’s a small animal but I actually like this one. I got a chihuahua she is blue and brown and has the personality of me. She is super hyper but she also plays her role as bitch. She is such a pleaser even when ur angry with her for being a little demon she is alll excited and wants to be picked up. She wants to be held all the time which would be fine if I was an old lady with no life but I am really busy and I usually don’t sit until late so this is hard for her to understand. Her name is Skye and she has the most beautiful blue eyes. Ok yeah so enough about her y’all want to hear about all the ooze. So here we go be prepared. So I got a new case on the table beside the little boy because I was just too angry to deal with that poor soul. So he went to the others who have been there longer and I got their case. It’s a spring breaker who went missing awhile ago. It’s a male who is have missing what I have on my table is a head, a pelvic bone and a leg. The poor man Is a mess well what’s left if him anyway! It’s never easy to find out what happened to a dead person but when u only give me bits and pieces that’s when it gets tricky. I think these people like making my life hard. Oh well that’s just more time for me and Kathleen. I think she is The best no matter what she does. Speaking of her she has decided to try and make me into her roommate well house mate I might say. Well that’s a heck no cause I like my own space. It’s fun to stay with her a few days at a time but then I like to come home to be by myself and I can do whatever pleases me. School is rough I don’t even know where I am in it. All I know is I’m done with all my basics now and of course I’m in the internship and the biology classes and all this scientific mumbo jumbo that makes my world go round. Needless to say school is a mess. I will try to keep up with y’all as much as I can but often I read all the blogs on my iPod so i can’t comment but the moment I have a minute I will be sure to write a novel for each of you. Well the ones that I know of. Well I just wanted to check in on all of you and I hope life has been treating you all well. Oh and if there are typos please forgive me cause I wrote this all on my iPod -Me

Yes, I Deal With Dead People Daily but This Was a child!


     Now most of my blogs have been pretty light hearted. Sadly, this is not another to add to the collection.  I have found that death becomes all too normal for me and I slough it off. I love my job don’t get me wrong but children are not easy to deal with. In my mind when I examine a child all I can think of is what a sick coward the person is who harmed this little thing. I see the adults as work but there is something about a child that makes me tear up and want my gun and id to go kick someone’s arse. I have no respect for anyone that could look that child in the face then shoot them down like they were an animal. I don’t understand how anyone could live with themselves after killing someone so innocent and young and full of life. To me and my logical brain, it makes no sense. I get the anger and sometimes you may think u want to kill another man but a child? Wow I just can’t imagine what would possess a man to do such a thing. This child had no threat to this man the man did it for no reason. Today was the worst day of my life having to look at what’s left of this little body and wonder what this life could have accomplished. He could have been the one to find the cure for aids he could find a cure for every cancer in the world but now he is dead he was only a third grader. Just a young boy with a whole life ahead of him, a loving family, and good place to grow up.  I wonder what went through the boys head as he watched the gun being loaded. What his last meal was. What he wished he could have said or done. All this taken away from him by a man. I wish I could have been there to save that poor little boy. I wish I was the bush that he was thrown into so I could have held him the last seconds of his life. All this I wish because he was only a boy.

Well I’m sorry for that sad note I just had to get that off my chest as I rarely get that opportunity. I felt yall needed to know all about what that man did to that boy. I’m sorry if u cried or got super pissed off. I really needed to vent.


“I Live!!!!”

ok so i know this is going to suck but here we go. so i realised today that i have not written in over a month and im sure if woman was around i would be yelled at for it. and lets face it a lot of things have happened to me in the past month that yall have been in the dark. i have spent two weekends away from home with kathleen (the boss lady). one in the woods in the middle of no where, and the second in san fran cali the gay capital of america. then i have taught a new group of people to spin for my guard, try outs are tomorrow. i will be trying out for an officer position this year, wish me luck. 🙂 next i have been preparing for band auditions on my stupid oboe so that has been  rather time consuming. then i had to play a concert for old people and dont get me wrong, i love old people, but half of them couldnt hear me anyway. next i have been in the lab more than ussual, i have had my first sad day on the job. normally im really numb to death because i talk abt it everyday but i did my first case with a child victim and that was really tough. so this is me just trying to make sure u all know i didnt die or fall off the face of the earth!

sry this is so sloppy i had to get this done really fast, dont hate me lol


Sticky Situation: I like my dead people with a side of the boss!

Well I couldn’t decide whether to write two short blogs or one long blog so I asked someone and their response was: “it’s not quantity its quality” and I had to laugh because that doesn’t answer my question all that well but any way I went with one long blog. The first part shall be about my “John Doe” and the second part about the lady who I impressed with “John Doe.”

Last week I was given the lovely deadline of this coming Monday to figure out whom “human ooze” was. That explains why I wasn’t around to write much last week. Well anyway I had to find an ID for the bucket of slime sitting on my examination table. This seems all fine and dandy to some of you that think I can pop this into a machine and it tells me who it is. Sadly that is not the case it takes a lot of work.  Well as a last resort Friday afternoon I searched through the sludge one more time and found something shiny. My first thought was melted plastic or some sort of oil but then I found it was a chip of some sort. (Hears angels singing in the background) Guess what it is?? Go ahead guess!! Ok fine I’ll tell you. It was a piece of a pacemaker! And ya’ll all want to know why this is so exciting and it’s because this man was the only one with a pacemaker out of the list of missing men! So Friday when I found this I went leaping into my boss’s office (with piece in hand) and practically strike her with a lightning fast speech on my new discovery. The look on her face was epic! It was the dear in the headlights with WTF mixed in. She laughed and asked me to slow down and try again. I showed her what was in my hand and she was just as excited as I. she quickly looked up the info on the man and smiled: she had found a match. She called the police team and gave them the lovely news. Guess who’s moving up?!?! ME I am so happy like it’s kind of crazy like an orgasm at the work level. Ha-ha the pun totally not intended. So now I feel like I get to rub it in the big shots face cause me a student found it and they didn’t. So I had already scheduled to have dinner with the boss lady and now that I had found that I had a feeling that I would get more than dinner or dinner would be canceled either way. Stupid paper work but guess what neither of us had to do it she gave it to the other intern josh who had to do it all. Yay for being a favorite! Well that kind of introduces you into the next topic “The Boss”.

I have an amazing boss who is the perfect angel from heaven she is so nice to everyone it is ridiculous. I envy her for that. Anyway enough of my star struck babble. So I noticed about a month ago that my boss was particularly fond of me. I didn’t think too much about it till about a week ago when she led me into the locker room to play with me. Well that ended up being me playing with her until she orgasm several times. But back to Friday and a date. She told me she liked seafood and Italian food so in Texas that means “Olive Garden.”  I dressed in a skirt and nice top and some flats just the casual girl attire but when I arrived I saw her and wow black slacks, a red V neck and heels. To most of you lovely readers black and red mean nothing to you. As for the select few of you that really know me, you know that the entire date would be me trying to behave. I’ll explain that in a later post. But anyway I sat across from her at dinner and chatted about music and things in her life. Now that’s all I really got out of that conversation because I have the mind of a man I was staring into her soul through her red V neck. I had to study body language last year and boy did I put it to good use. I ordered my usual of muscles and shrimp pasta not even thinking about what her reaction would be. Well she ordered something with scallops and shrimp and some pasta thing and when she looked at my plate she laughed. I looked at her with a strange look but then I realized why she laughed. She was afraid of the muscles on my plate. She has never eaten real seafood just the simple things like shrimp and things of that nature. She watched me eat the first one and the second. I looked at her and asked her to try one at first she was reluctant but I won her over with the old “you can look at dead decomposing bodies all day long and eat but you can’t eat a simple muscle?” so she gave in defeated by her student for the second time that day and ate it. Of course I had to take it out of the shell for her and put it on her fork. She ate it as if it were human flesh. I laughed my ass off the whole time she chewed. Well after dinner we decided to go back to her place because well she isn’t in college which means she has a house to herself. We sat in her living room and drank wine and relaxed a little. She ran off to her room for a moment and came back in wearing a bikini. I laughed at her and inquired why she changed into it little did I know her explanation would be an action. She walked me to her back yard and showed me her pool. Of course we got in silly she was in a swim suite and I was stripped to a bra and underwear (by her of course). We… well I would say swam but we didn’t and I would say sit but the water was a bit deep for me to sit I mean I only stand at 5’3. But the rest of the night was spent in and out of each other. (yes that was intended) but I found out she has only been with one other woman and that was in high school so guess what I get to be “teacher” wow I really am mini woman L look out world! So to all you curious kitty’s there is what happened on Friday night without too much detail as I hate being that personal to the whole world. More to come I promise well I’ll do my best,


Human Ooze is too Common in my Daily Life

 I would go through the daunting task of telling you to use your discretion when reading this blog but I think by now you get the picture. Oh who am I kidding?? POSTED: this is human ooze and things of that grotesque nature! You have been warned! I don’t want to hear your sissy comments about how I ruined you appetites.   Ok now that I have that down we can begin.

So this is a continuation on the last time I let y’all into my scientific world. You know the melted guy who I was sifting through? If not, look because I’m a nice person here is the link “dead melted dude.” I know I’m the sweetest scientist you will ever meet.  Ok back on topic! So I have been spending all my time on this slimy case and I have really been working my butt off to find out who this dude is. The only thing I have is missing people reports and there are fifty possible people it could be. The particulates in the dirt don’t match anything specific it’s all typical stuff. This killer is good! Well good at hiding all the evidence because obviously it’s not good to kill people. So his character is not good just his tactics. (For him anyway) for me not so much. Ok I think y’all get the point. Back to the topic, of the dead melt-y dude so I am finally done sifting through his melted flesh I have found little more than his body type and weight. Oh and his last meal was spaghetti! Will a lot of meat balls.  You’re sitting there wondering “how the heck do you know he ate spaghetti?!?!?!” This is the part where I get all sarcastic and tell you “Wouldn’t you like to know???” ok so you put a sample of the lovely liquid on a slide and look at it in your microscope and when you’re a smartass like me, you know what the particles of meat look like. And noodles look a certain way as well. You know what noodles look like? Wait I’ll stop myself, because you will never be able to eat noodles again if I tell you!  Well yeah that’s what’s new in that lovely case so sorry Woman that’s all I have to really share about human ooze.

Oh and do y’all want to know all the “fantasy of the office?” so my boss apparently has the hots for me. The boss lady is super sexy and holy fuck it takes everything I have to avoid taking her up on her offers. And all the men at home are yelling go for it but reality is much different from the fantasy world. I can’t go for the boss because I promise I will screw something up for myself, and I really want this job to be a full time job not just an internship. Yes she says she can keep it separated between work and personal life but I don’t believe that’s possible. All the critics and horny men say do it, do it but I can’t. I think she is really sweet and really pretty but ugh I can’t. She’s the head honcho, the whole enchilada, the captain, kit and kabuttle, and the whole nine yards. She is the one that makes all the decisions and gets the last word on everything.  

Now that I have explained the situation, I can tell you why this matters. This afternoon I was pulled into her office and told she needed my help with an evaluation of a victim. So of course I told her yes but we didn’t go to the examination table to find a corpse oh no she took me right past the table and to the locker room. I looked at her in a strange questioning way but I guess she didn’t notice because she just kept walking with my hand in hers. (You know, I don’t know why she was holding my hand and I really don’t know why I let her.) But that’s beside the point so we are walking into the locker room and she stops in the very back corner and lightly kisses me. I stand there kind of dumfounded but then she does it again and I kiss her back. So I will save all you sane people the details and leave it at this: she tastes sooooo good. Well that’s all I plan on sharing with the general public about that but ill keep you posted if it turns into anything special.

There I answered all the things I have been asked or demanded of as far as I know. Enjoy my life it is one hell of a roller coaster!
