How would You Like Your Dead People Today?

Ok so here is the thing, there is a reason why this blog is called “I See Dead People Daily” and if you read my first post you know it’s because I am a forensic student.  So this is my disclaimer ok you ready for it??? Bum, Bum, Bum!!!!!! Ok seriously this time this post will describe my job as stated above in very full detail! If you are squeamish I would not read this one and wait for Sundays post (God willing) and then it will be a little more fun and fancy free. POSTED: you have been warned, this will get graphic… worse, MUCH WORSE!! Than CSI or any other crime show you like so don’t say I didn’t warn you because I did.

We now pause for dramatic affect BUM BUM BUM!!!!!!!!  We now continue the regularly scheduled programming.

So a recent case I am assigned to is one of a strange killer who has decided to kill victims and “burn” their bodies in a chemical bath. Now this seem interesting to all of you reading but let me tell you it is not fun for me. So picture this: your job is to identify victims of murder and then find out how they were murdered right? With a corpse this is simple science with a few hi-tech gadgets in and out and I’m done. I can tell you the age, weight, gender, any breaks they might have had in their life, I can take a fingerprint, and I can run dental records. That is all child’s play but then you switch over to this kind of stuff. Believe me I would love to do that all day long. Unfortunately murders are not all created equal and I get stuck with a tub of toxic chemicals and dissolved human flesh. Now this is the life right? No, I have to put on a giant chemical suit so I don’t end up looking like the person I’m examining, wear a gas mask so I don’t inhale any of the stupid fumes and I have to be all by my lonesome in a white sterile room. If that doesn’t justify my craziness then I don’t know what will. Anyway back to the topic. So I was sitting there all week separating chemical from human compounds. This consisted of sifting through the sludge and pouring the fat into a bucket to weigh. (I know I get a bucket to put human matter into, yeah that’s right we are advanced over there)After that I had to do all the mathematical equations to figure out the body type of this poor person and found out the barrel I got was a skinny man. He probably weighed between 120 and 140 pounds which is about 54kg-64kg, but that is as far as I have gotten so far. The barrel is almost empty and I haven’t found a single fragment of bone so this should be fun. Oh but I know what the chemical was that the murderer used it was a mixture of H2SO4 and another chemical that I can’t give away on a public site so no crazy goes out and reproduces it. (Though that would be job security for me) So that’s all I have on this case so far and I’ll try to keep those of you that are interested posted.

Well I read that back over now and I don’t think it is as bad as I prepared you for so I think I did my job. Well off to bed now I’m going to go dream about happy things that don’t exists on this earth. Until later (like three days from now) goodbye and try not to see dead people it gets kind of freaky 🙂


    • Woman
    • March 2nd, 2011

    LOL!!! You are just like a big kid playing with those “buckets of goo”… when “Ghostbusters” came out in the 80’s? Those were all the rage!!!! Only the toy stuff probably smelt better….

    Sounds like fun!!! Can I come too???

    And then??? You can listen to the worms while working!!!!!

  1. Hmm… i was right… strange thoughts roaming about my skull..


  2. Isee’ and Woman in bio-suits with a stinky fetid corpse… is there an erotic story in that, i wonder?

    Hmmm…an impressive appendage the only part of the cadaver still in intact… de-contam shower afterwards? …

    (You haven’t misplaced Harold by any chance Woman?)


      • Woman
      • March 4th, 2011

      Oh yay!!!! You found Kumar!!!! Screw Harold for the moment.

    • Jungle’s Vine
    • March 5th, 2011

    ‘it was a mixture of H2SO4 and another chemical that I can’t give away on a public site so no crazy goes out and reproduces it.’

    How about in private? Ach, go on! You can tell me. I won’t tell anyone else. Or if I do, they won’t be able to pass it on for long…

  1. March 25th, 2011

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